Bring Love Back to your Relationship


Do you ever think about your marriage and wish you could just get the butterflies and goosebumps back?

This is never a good feeling to have, but the truth is that it's not uncommon for married couples to have to rekindle the romance and love after years of being together. Thankfully, this doesn't have to be too difficult to do in your relationship.

It simply means that you two need to start putting the work and effort into it.

Keep reading as we go through five pieces of advice on how to bring love back into a relationship!

  • Learn How to Communicate and Compromise

The two big C's.

Not everything in a relationship will be as you want and it's easy to forget that sometimes.

It's important that there's a balance in your marriage, that both of you are open about what you want, but are also willing to find the middle ground. Assert and communicate your needs and take turns expressing feelings. We all have the tendency of getting caught up in our own narratives. We need to understand what our partner is feeling so we can empathize and make compromises.

  • Take Ownership

It's extremely necessary to take ownership. When you are in the wrong, admit it and apologize. You want to let your partner know that just like everyone else, you need to work on your issues. couples counseling can be a good start in working through your issues.

  • Think Positive

It's human nature to fixate on the negative. So between those the hours you two spent cuddling and watching Netflix, and the fight you had about home chores, you'll likely focus on the latter. This is not in the best interest of you and your partner.

Whenever you find yourself dwelling on a random fight, focus on your partners true intentions and don't allow yourself to spiral into a negative place.

  • Remember to Be Kind

In the initial stages of a relationship, kindness comes naturally.

And, as you get closer and closer to the other person, it might start to disappear. It's natural to take our partners for granted but it doesn't mean you don't love them anymore.

Start saying "thank you" and doing romantic little acts like you used to and change your attitude when you find yourself being critical. Kindness always goes a long way.

  • Go on Dates

Remember how much fun you two used to have on all your dates?

Just because you've been married for years, it doesn't mean you have to give up on date night and having fun together. No matter how busy you are, take some time to have experiences outside of your routine.

A dinner date, a trip to the movies or a weekend away: whatever you two enjoy most. You can even schedule date nights at home cooking a meal, watching a movie, or even playing a board game together.

And why not end those dates on an intimate note? Touch and affection does play a big role in staying connected.

How to Bring Love Back Into a Relationship: Follow Your Heart

If you're reading an article about how to rekindle the love and romance in your relationship, it's because you still have strong feelings and want to feel more connected to your partner.

A relationship requires teamwork and it's necessary that you are both willing to put in time and effort to nurture the relationship.

Don't be afraid to make the first move: you'll see that from there, your partner will feel your commitment and you can both work on bringing the love back into the relationship.

For further inquiries:

Check out Rachel Moheban-Wachtel, LCSW, at

Phone: (917) 273-8836